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Verifying IEVS Hits 448-01-50-10-70

(Revised 3/1/12 ML #3304)

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IEVS UIB hits are considered verified. All other IEVS hits serve as a lead to determine if income or assets were reported and are correctly considered in determining eligibility.


Based on SNAP policy at 430-05-80-30, all IEVS hits with the exception of IEVS UIB are only acted on if verification is obtained for Medicaid or TANF.


If the verification is in the case file, the eligibility worker must then determine if the verification was used correctly in determining eligibility. If the verification is not in the case file, for Medicaid or TANF, the following steps must be used to verify the hit.


  1. The worker must send a notice within 30 days from the date of the IEVS hit, requesting the verification and informing the household they must clarify the potential assets or incomes. The IEVS Asset Verification or IEVS Income Verification notices should be used.


  1. If the household contacts the eligibility worker and requests assistance in obtaining the information, the eligibility worker must assist the household. A release of information must be used when contacting the source.


  1. If the household contacts the eligibility worker and indicates they do have this income or if it is determined that this individual could not have this income (SSN of baby shows earnings), the worker must follow up with the employer to verify the SSN and report the incorrect SSN to the Interface Administrator of the Public Assistance Unit.


  1. If the household fails to respond within 10 days, an advance notice to close Medicaid or TANF must be sent to the household, however, the verification process must continue.

NOTE: If the household informs the eligibility worker that they have requested the information but have not received it, additional time may be granted. This must be documented in the case file.


  1. If the household does not provide the information, the eligibility worker must contact the source to verify the information. A release of information must be used when contacting the source.


  1. If the household or the source provides the verification or if the household or source fails to respond or provide the verification, refer to




The eligibility worker must document the verification of IEVS hits in the narrative with the exception of IEVS UFO hits. IEVS UFO hits are considered IRS tax return information.


**DO NOT print or include IEVS UFO information in case files.**


Information that specifically addresses where the hit came from or the source of the information cannot be included in the:



















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